Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Inside Out -->

Not much has happened this week thus far. No doctors, except for blood work, so there's nothing to report on the health front except that I feel good :) and that's worth something I suppose!
Anyway, though the week has been seemingly uneventful, I did have something happen to me today that I cannot recall ever happening in my 19 years of life. I was driving home from the ice cream social at church when I got stopped by a red light. It was beginning to get darker out so people had their lights turned on which meant I could see the headlights of the person behind me in my mirrors. Once I came to a stop, I put on my blinker and the truck behind me did the same. I began playing this little game like I always do where I watch my blinker and watch the blinker of the person behind me or in front of me and compare the speeds of blinking. I'll usually keep the time of my blinker with one hand and the other with the other hand and see if I can concentrate enough to keep up with both but tonight was different. For the first time ever, my blinker and this trucks blinker stayed in perfect time with one another for the entire red light!! I have never in my life found two blinkers that blinked at the same rate until tonight. I couldn't believe it! I wanted to follow that truck and tell the driver this wonderful news but I figured that would end up being slightly awkward so I just drove home in amazement.
I have never understood why blinkers don't have a standard rate of blinking and that has always bothered me so tonight I finally have some peace. There are blinkers in the world that can blink together.


  1. Love it Kailen! ha! Someone else who notices the little things. My thing is numbers, I see signifigant numbers a lot. :) Praying for you today! Jill Talbot

  2. hahahahahahahahha
    i love you
