Sunday, August 23, 2009

Inside Out -->

This morning was a splendid morning and, seeing as it is Sunday, I went to church. In my home church we are currently in a series called 'Objections Overruled!' which is addressing the 7 major objections people have against christianity. The objection we discussed today was '#6 Science Has Disproved Christianity.' Naturally, I came with the expectation that I would be learning about both sides of this argument and how best to address the conflict when faced with it. And that is exactly what happened. What is odd about that you may ask? I expected to learn about the topic for the day, I listened to the sermon on that topic, and I learned about the topic. Big whoop right? But that's just it. I came to church with the expectation that I would be learning; but, because the sermon was not about healing or miracles or divine intervention, I was not going to hear anything from God that was in any way related to what is happening in my personal life today. And that made me think. How many times do I come to church and completely miss out on what God is trying to tell me simply because the sermon title appears to be unrelated to my present struggles? Or, for that matter, how many times in my daily life do I miss God's voice simply because I'm not in the church walls and have no expectations for God to speak outside of the box I have put Him in within my own mind? Wow, that really hit me hard. I know God can speak to me whenever and wherever He pleases, but today I realized that there are many times when I just might not be listening, and I am going to change that.
On that same note, I am very thankful that today God chose to speak to me despite my low expectations. He made sure I heard His word for me through someone else. During the invitation at the end of the sermon, a man came up to me seemingly about to burst. God's word for me was weighing so heavy on his heart and mind that he could barely get it out. The presence of God was very evident and so I listened to every word. This man challenged me with the question, "Do you believe God can heal you? And not in your head, not with your logic, but in your heart. Do you believe God can heal you?" Yet again, wow! God had my number :) I started to think about my answer to this question and I realized that I couldn't fully say yes. I've been raised in a christian home and I know God's Word and since His Word says He can heal I believe it but that has nothing to do with matters of the heart. Many times I believe because I know it's the right thing but I really feel now that God is saying I need to make it personal. I need to let it sink in, not only that He can heal, but He is MY healer. Not only does He provide, but He is MY provider. Not only is He the God of peace, but He is MY peace. He is MY strength, MY comfort, and MY Father who loves me and wants to make me whole. And I am letting that sink in.
Thank you, Lord, that you are a good God who will move even when I have 'put you in a box.' I now believe in my mind AND in my heart that I will be healed. Thank you, God.


  1. That sounds like a very interesting series. This is kinda what I go through in my Omnibus.

    I totally agree on what you said about listening. God can speak and teach us things everywhere, in the good and the bad. We just have to keep our minds, ears, and hearts wide open :) Love you!

  2. Just encourgament from Annie. You have joined my group. Take care
    of yourself. You are most important to us all
