Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Mayo News- Day 2

Day 2:
Day 1 was such a whirlwind and we were so exhausted that we didn’t really get to take in everything around us. Although Day 2 was still an early, early morning we had gotten a little more sleep and that certainly helped! (I don’t know how we even focused the first day but by the grace of God. He knew we needed to be paying attention and we could almost feel His energy come through us when we needed it most!)
So day 2 began with a hematology consultation (blood doctor). We waited for just a few minutes and then again a nurse called us back right on schedule :) Dr. Mathew was a young doctor, a fellow actually which means he is a doctor but he is mentoring under a specialist in order to become one himself. We did the same sort of thing with him as we did with Dr. Picco as far as just going through my history and getting all the needed information together. He was a lot more personable but that’s probably just because he was younger. Despite his age, he seemed very knowledgeable about most everything we were talking about and could effectively communicate very well. And even if he didn’t know everything he knew exactly who to talk to and how to find out whatever we wanted to know. Our consultation with him lasted for a solid hour again and then he went to get his mentor who could answer more questions for us. He said we weren’t going to be disappointed.
We waited for a while and then Dr. Mathew returned with Dr. Rivera. He started talking the moment he walked in and didn’t stop until he left another hour later. I was so impressed with him!! He knew our questions before we even asked them and answered things we didn’t think to ask. He shared with us more options of medicine and information about current information that opened up a whole new world to me. He was so thorough and covered everything. We left so encouraged and I was so pumped up! Dr. Mathew walked us out and said, “I told you, you wouldn’t be disappointed.” And we certainly weren’t.
Everything about the visit just seemed to confirm the theme of this whole blog. From the moment my doctor at home told us the bad news about my colon I heard God whisper, it’s not the end of the line, and Mayo was saying the same thing! Because of outside influences, my colon may not be as bad as what it looked like in August. With close monitoring different and better medicines may now be an option for me. Because of state of the art machinery that is nowhere else in the country they can do the best testing possible to see more than anyone else can!! No one has proclaimed a full healing for me yet (although I am still fully believing that it will happen) but the news is still good. There is hope and more yet to be done.
After we left Mayo we were so excited and super hungry so off we went in search of good food. We passed several places and weren't fully convinced that they would be sufficient for our celebration of good news and then we saw the sign. My eyes fell upon the most beautiful combination of words as the angels began to sing in chorus... P.F. Changs. Man oh man, God is good. We ate.

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